預約試吃 - 外州冷凍 ($80)

預約試吃 - 外州冷凍

運費$80-外州冷凍月子餐試吃/Ship Charge$80-Frozen Meal Sampling

請給我2個妳希望試吃月子餐的日期,餐點需要有人在家接餐。通常中午前就送到您的地址,請您放一張椅子在門口 (這樣餐點才不用放在地上)。由於疫情我們儘量減少司機跟客人的接觸,所以司機會將餐點放在門口的椅子上/ 按門鈴後離去,謝謝。Please give me two dates when you would like to try the postpartum meal. Someone needs to be at home to receive the meal. It is usually delivered to your address before noon. Please place a chair at the door (so that the meal doesn't have to be placed on the ground).

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